Council Meetings

  • Monday, 6th  February   2017  7.00pm
  • Monday , 3rd  April 2017    7.00pm
  • Monday , 15th  May A.G.M   2017     6.00pm
  • Monday  , 3rd July 2017  6.00pm
  • Monday , 2nd October 2017  6.00pm
  • Monday   4th December 2017 6.00pm

Finance & General Purposes Committee

  • Monday, 6th  March   2017   7.00pm 
  • Monday   5th June          2017  6.00pm
  • Monday,  4th  September  2017   6.00pm   
  • Monday , 6th November  2017  6.00pm

For Information on Minutes of Past Meetings
The most recent Minutes of meetings of the Town Council are available on this website (see left) if you require old minutes they are available in the Library and the Town Hall - please ask for the Town Clerk Mr C L Everett so arrangements can be made for you to view and make copies of minutes which are not exempt under the Data Protection Act and exempt "under section 100(A)(4) of the local government act 1972 as it involve's the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 7,8,9, and 10 of schedule 12A of the said act.