Councillors present: Mrs Ann Kennedy (Mayor), Keith R Roberts, J V Owen, S Hadley, Mrs B Warner BEM, W J Chorlton, T Lloyd Hughes, John Knox-Crawford and Mrs Ailia Lewis MBE
In attendance: C Ll Everett (Town Clerk/Financial Officer)
Mrs P R Scott (Clerk/Typist)
Gareth Williams from the local Press
1. The Mayor welcomed all present to the meeting. She congratulated Councillor T Lloyd Hughes on his MBE for services to football in Her Majesty the Queen’s New Year’s Honours List and Councillor T Lloyd Hughes thanked his fellow Councillors and the people of Holyhead and Anglesey for their continued support. The Mayor welcomed Mrs Scott back to work following her absence.
The Mayor was pleased to announce that Councillor J M Evans had completed his sponsored cycle ride to Rome arriving at the Rugby stadium at 2.20 p.m. on Sunday 5th February 2017.
The Mayor, from the chair asked the question – “Is any member of the public or any member making a recording of this meeting?
The answer was that no one was making a recording of the meeting.
2. Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs R N Keegans, Mrs Jean A Ll Williams,
K Tatlock, J M Evans and R E Williams.
3. DECLARATION OF INTEREST by any Councillor or Officer:
Councillor Mrs B Warner in planning application no 19C845K : Application for the erection of a 65m covered spectator standing area at Holyhead Hotspur Football Club as she is a Committee member and President of the football Club
Councillor W J Chorlton in correspondence item (A) from the Chairman of the Standards Committee
Michael Wilson as Councillor Chorlton is a member of the Anglesey County Council Standards Committee.
The Mayor stated that she had attended – on the 6th January 2017 wished both Councillor J M Evans and Councillor R E Williams well on their sponsored charity cycle ride from Holyhead to Italy; on the 20th January 2017 visited the Holyhead Market Hall at the commencement of the renovation works; attended a meeting with representatives of MINESTO and she was pleased that nearly all of the employees were local persons; on the 24th January 2017 attended a meeting with representatives of Stena/Conygar; on the 26th January 2017 attended a meeting with representatives of Land & Lakes; on the 28th January 2017 presented a Certificate to Brian Thomson who was now retiring as Coxswain of the Holyhead RNLI; on the 29th January 2017 attended a Presentation evening at the Sea Cadets Unit and also attended meetings with the Town Clerk and with various constituents.
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The Town Clerk explained that he had been informed that before the second stage application to the Lottery fund could be considered and approved that there would need to be a planning application put in by the Holyhead Town Council for change of use of the existing Park pavilion building into a café. The Town Clerk stated that this was now included with the Agenda of tonight’s meeting but that the Holyhead Town Council could not make a comment on the planning application as the Holyhead Town Council was the applicant. The Town Clerk stated that he had had meetings with the Head of Leisure Services of the Anglesey County Council and the staff at the Park. The existing play equipment would be improved by grant funding from VVP and he had also had a meeting with representatives of Anwyl Construction who were the developers of the land adjacent to the Park. The Town Clerk stated that the public consultation that was held was positive and that he was hopeful that the applications for grant funding would be successful. The Town Clerk stated that if all the grant funding applications were approved, it was proposed in the future that the Park would be open to the public 7 days a week.
Councillor J V Owen stated that the County Council officers were supportive of the Park being kept open and Councillor Owen proposed that as there was already funds put aside in the Town Council’s budget for taking over the Park at New Park Road that all the necessary paper work be prepared for signature at the meeting of the Town Council to be held on the 6th March 2017 and there would be an Agenda item at that meeting.
It was resolved, proposed and seconded that the Holyhead Town Council agrees with this proposal.
Minute no. 5077/17
At the commencement of the meeting the Town Clerk distributed to all members a re-worded second copy of the letter from Freddie G Jones of Conygar Stena Line Limited dated 26 January 2017, the first copy had already been sent out and included in the Agenda of this meeting but this copy had required slight amendment with the correct wording. The Town Clerk explained that Conygar / Stena Line agreed to grant Holyhead Town Council a 12 month License for maintaining the demise and the green areas to be cut and kept clear. The License would run from 1st April 2017 to the 1st April 2018 and CSL would pay the Holyhead Town Council the sum of £7,500 at the start of the 12 month period. Holyhead Town Council will manage the circus/fairs and any other public events on the greens and keep all payments from these events.
CSL Ltd will be responsible for the promenade wall and any repair that is needed during the 12 month period. The Town Clerk explained that all the greens would be cut and maintained during the Spring and Summer months and he had visited all the areas with all the staff concerned.
It was resolved, proposed and seconded that the Town Council accept the proposals as contained in the amended letter from Conygar/Stena dated 26th January 2017 and he would write back to them in response to their letter.
Minute no. 5078/17
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7. To receive for information Minutes of the Council meeting held on Tuesday 20th December 2017:
It was resolved, proposed and seconded that the Minutes be received for information as a true record.
Minute no. 5079/17
It was resolved, proposed and seconded that all Receipts for November 2016 amounting to £58,448.68 and December 2016 amounting to £176,562.55 and Payments for November 2016 amounting to £92,901.04 and December 2016 amounting to £81,132.98 be approved.
Minute no. 5080/17
Councillor T Lloyd Hughes requested that in the future a breakdown of the Credit card purchases be itemised in the future. The Town Clerk said that this would be adopted for future accounts.
(a) e Mail from Michael Wilson, Chairman of the Standards Committee, Anglesey County Council : Review of Members’ Interests (and other docvuments) Holyhead Town Council on 18/10/2016 : Congratulating the Holyhead Town Council on it’s efficiency
The Mayor, Councillor Mrs Ann Kennedy congratulated all the office staff concerned.
Minute no. 5081/17
(b) Linda Hadley, Secretary, Holyhead Maritime Museum : Feasibility for taking over the Lease for the South Stack Lighthouse in Holyhead
It was resolved, proposed and seconded that the Holyhead Town Council supports the Holyhead Maritime Museum in exploring the feasibility for taking over the Lease. The Town Clerk stated that the South Stack Lighthouse was outside of the Holyhead boundary area but was in the Trearddur Bay Community Council area.
Minute no. 5082/17
(c) A G Evans, Chief Engineer (Maintenance), Anglesey County Council : Town & Country Planning Act 1990 257 : Application to extinguish part of Public footpath no 4 Holyhead.
It was resolved, proposed and seconded to note the information contained in the correspondence.
Minute no. 5083/17
Councillor J V Owen voiced his concerns that the heavy vehicles to and from the site were causing a mess with mud to the highway and footpaths in that vicinity. Councillor T Lloyd Hughes would make enquiries with the Planning Dept of the Anglesey County Council to see if there was a condition that all vehicles to the site
had to be hosed down before leaving the site.
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(e) Dewi R Williams, Head of Service Highways, Waste & Property, Anglesey County Council : Land at Newry Beach (part) Holyhead
It was resolved, proposed and seconded to note the information contained in the letter.
Minute no. 5084/17
Appl No 19C1193 : Application to determine whether prior approval is required for the installation of a telecommunications cabinet at Lon Newydd, Llaingoch, Holyhead
It was resolved to make no objection.
Minute no. 5085/17
Councillor J V Owen left the meeting at this stage at 7.50 p.m.
Appl no 19C845K : Full application for the erection of a 65m covered spectator standing area at Holyhead Hotspur Football Club, Holyhead Leisure Centre
It was resolved to make no objection.
Minute no. 5086/17
Appl no 19C1197 : Full application for alterations and extensions to the dwelling together with the demolition of the existing porch at 8 Bwlch Alltran Holyhead
It was resolved to make no objection.
Minute no. 5087/17
Appl no 19C689N/1 : Full application for a side extension to the existing petrol filling station kiosk at Kiosk Petrol Filling Station, Morrisons, Penrhos Industrial Estate, Holyhead
It was resolved to make no objection.
Minute no. 5088/17
Appl no 19C1173B : Outline application or the erection of an affordable dwelling with all matters reserved on land to the rear of Craig Eithin, Gors Avenue, Holyhead
It was resolved to make no objection.
Minute no. 5089/17
Appl no 19C1198 : Full application for the change of use of the building from a Park Pavilion into a café at the Holyhead Park, New Park Road, Holyhead
The Holyhead Town Council could not comment on this planning application as the Holyhead Town Council is the applicant. Minute no. 5090/17. The meeting concluded at 7.55 p.m. Minutes CM 6 2 2017 Min