Councillors present: Mrs Ann Kennedy MBA (Mayor), Keith R Roberts, J V Owen, E G Jones, W J Chorlton, K Tatlock, John Knox-Crawford, T Lloyd Hughes, J M Evans and
Mrs Ailia Lewis MBE
In attendance: C LL Everett (Town Clerk/Financial Officer)
Mrs P R Scott (Clerk/Typist)
1. The Mayor, Councillor Mrs Ann Kennedy welcomed all present to the meeting and asked the question if any Councillor, officer or member of the public was tape recording the meeting.
Councillor Keith R Roberts indicated that he was.
2. Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Mrs B Warner and Councillor Mrs Jean A Ll Williams. The Town Clerk stated that he had sent a letter of sympathy to Councillor
Mrs Beryl Warner following the recent passing of her sister.
Councillor J M Evans declared interest in the Planning application 19C487E – full application for the siting of an external plaque at 5/5a Stanley Crescent Holyhead as he is a member of the Anglesey County Council Planning Committee.
Councillor J V Owen also declared an interest and took no part in the discussion or vote.
Minute No. 4085/16
The Mayor had attended the following events:-
12th May Year 11 Record of Achievements in Holyhead High School; 13th May meeting of the Connemara and Retriever group; 14th May in the morning an Exhibition in the Town Hall commemorating the World War 1 and in the afternoon present at the naming of a new RNLI lifeboat; on the 20th May welcomed a group over from Ireland on their way to Fron Goch and attended a Concert in the evening to raise funds for the Connemara and Retriever Commemoration, later that afternoon watched the Eisteddfod stones being delivered; on the 26th May attended meetings with Solicitors regarding Council issues; on the 31st May laid a wreath at the Cenotaph to commemorate the Battle of Jutland; on the 3rd July met with Caroline Turner to discuss the traveller & gypsy issue; on the 3rd July in the evening met with the Garda rowers and wished them well on their crossing; on the 8th June attended a Connemara meeting and then later met the Steam train on platform 1; on the 10th June held a reception for the Dun Laoghaire Business Club on their way from Ireland; on the 10th June travelled to Fron Goch;
On the 12th June met with the Dun Laoghaire Club to say goodbye; on the 15 June attended a Travellers & Gypsies consultation in London Road; on the 15th June met the Flying Scotsman on platform 1; on the 16th June attended the Travellers & Gypsies Information Training day in Llangefni; on the 25th June welcomed the performers in town in the morning; on the 25th June attended the Proclamation Ceremony in the High School; on the 25th June welcomed the bikers in South Stack fundraising for MacMillan nurses; on the 1st July laid a wreath to commemorate the Battle of the Somme; on the 4th July the Deputy Mayor and the Mayor went to Llaingoch School to meet the year 5 pupils who were putting on a show that evening. The Mayor has also had meetings with Council staff on numerous occasions. The Mayor thanked her Deputy (Councillor Keith R Roberts) for his support and the other Councillors who have attended various functions. The Mayor also thanked Richard and Ruth for their support and last but by no means least the Mayor welcomed back the Town Clerk Cliff. She said, “I am sure we are all pleased that he is better and confirm our support for all our staff” “We can also announce that Rob and his wife are the proud parents of a new baby girl and we wish them all well”.
Councillor Ken Tatlock asked Councillor Kennedy why she had attended events re: Traveller/Gypsy sites saying that the Council had agreed that we did not want gypsies in Holyhead. The Mayor replied that she had attended these events to get information on the new sites that the Isle of Anglesey County Council was considering. The Mayor offered to speak to Councillor Tatlock after the meeting. The Town Clerk reminded members that Agendas are sent out on the Wednesday preceding the Monday night’s meeting and if any Councillor wished to gain clarification on any issue that he was available should they wish to call into the town hall.
The Town Clerk confirmed that he had met with officers from the Anglesey County Council and a local Surveyor at the Holyhead Park and it was proposed to hold a public event in the Town Hall in the future so that members of the public (young and old) could decide on what facilities they wanted in the Holyhead Park and re-iterated that this land was handed over to the people of Holyhead in 1925 as an recreational open space in perpetuity (forever) and that this land cannot be sold for any other purpose in the future.
The Town Clerk confirmed that the CCTV cameras were proving invaluable in assisting the North Wales Police and other Police forces from other parts of the country.
The Town Clerk also confirmed that lottery stage 1 grant funding (People and Places) had been confirmed and this grant funding would be used for the Empire complex (screen 2) and the Holyhead Park.
The Town Clerk was also pleased to announce that 3 offices in the Town Hall building had recently been let and that the rental income would go towards funds for community benefit. The Welsh Government were interested in renting office space as well.
The Mayor asked for members to support the proposal that in future an item – “Town Clerk’s Report” would be placed on the Agenda after Mayor’s announcements for the Town Clerk to update members if there are any issues that have occurred after the Agenda has been published.
It was resolved, proposed and seconded to approve this suggestion.
Minute no. 4086/16
5. To welcome a representative of the North Wales Police to the meeting:
As no representative had attended the meeting, the Town Clerk stated that he would liaise with the newly appointed Inspector. The Town Clerk agreed to contact the North Wales Police about their future attendance at Council meetings. It was acknowledged that Councillor Tatlock had asked this question in a previous meeting and that he had a number of points that he wished to discuss with the Police.
6. To receive for information Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Monday 7 March 2016:
It was resolved, proposed and seconded that the Minutes be received as a true record of the meeting.
Minute no. 4087/16
7. To approve the Minutes of the Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting held on Monday 4 April 2016:
It was resolved, proposed and seconded that the Minutes be approved.
Minute no. 4088/16
8. To receive for information Minutes of the Special Meeting held on Wednesday 13 April 2016:
It was resolved, proposed and seconded that the Minutes be received as a true record of the meeting.
Minute no. 4089/16
9. To receive for information Minutes of the Special Meeting held on Friday 6 May 2016:
It was resolved, proposed and seconded that the Minutes be received as a true record of the meeting.
Minute no. 4090/16
10. To receive for information Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Monday
9 May 2016:
It was resolved, proposed and seconded that the Minutes be received as a true record of the meeting.
Minute no. 4091/16
11. To approve the Minutes of the Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting held on
Monday 20 June 2016:
It was resolved, proposed and seconded to approve the Minutes of the Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting held on Monday 20 June 2016.
Minute no. 4092/16
12. NOTICE OF MOTION BY COUNCILLOR T LLOYD HUGHES: To consider introducing an Agenda item to allow members of the public to ask questions of the Chairperson at the end of meetings in a timescale of not more than 15 minutes:
The Town Clerk and the Mayor had sought further information on this as some Councils do not even have a website. The Town Clerk stated that the local Library is supplied with a paper copy of every Agenda which is sent out before Meetings apart from Staffing Committee meetings.
There would have to be guidelines that would have to be adhered to so that each person asking a question is treated fairly and no offensive or rude behaviour would be tolerated.
It was resolved that the Town Clerk in consultation with the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Chair of Finance & General Purposes Committee be given Powers to Act to draw up the correct protocol for introducing this Agenda item in the future which would be considered at the next meeting.
Minute no. 4093/16
The Mayor stated that a transcript of the public meeting held on Tuesday 28 June 2016 in the Llaingoch Village Hall was in the process of being typed up.
The Mayor then asked Councillor J V Owen, “Do you want to come in Councillor Owen”?
Councillor Owen replied, “Yes, thank you, I am glad that this has been brought up because it opens up the debate to discuss the individual. Prior to this we were not allowed to discuss it in public debate. Can I ask my fellow Councillor which member here has got property in Boston Street that has had planning because if they have they should have declared an interest? No one replies. Councillor Tatlock then said, “Can I say that everyone in Holyhead knows that you have had a grant and then Councillor Tatlock mumbled his words.
Councillor Owen then said, “I said Boston Street”. “It was said at the meeting”. Then Councillor Tatlock replied, “I know what was said at the meeting, I was there”. Then Councillor J V Owen said, “I do not own a property in Boston Street”. At this point the Mayor, Councillor Kennedy intervenes and said to Councillor Tatlock. “I would counsel you for your own sake not to say anymore. I am not being threatening, but for your own sake to say no more”
(a) Letter from Siwan Jones, Head of function (Council Business) Monitoring Officer, Anglesey County Council, Council Offices, Llangefni : Temporary prohibition of through traffic, The hall, Swift Square Holyhead Order 2016 and location map.
It was resolved to note the contents of the correspondence,
Minute no. 4094/16
Councillor J M Evans left the Council Chamber at this stage.
Appl No. 19C487E : Full application for the siting of an external plaque at 5/5a Stanley Crescent Holyhead
It was resolved to make no objection.
Minute no. 4095/16
The Town Clerk explained that the Anglesey County Council Planning Committee make the final decision regarding planning applications and that the Holyhead Town Council is a consultee (asked to give its view) and who sends its comments back to the Anglesey County Council after planning applications have been considered.
The reason why in the past that some planning applications had been considered by the Ward Councillors was that the timescale of meetings had been changed to monthly meetings thus resulting in missing the timescale of 21 days in which to make a comment back to the Anglesey County Council.
From now on, following the Report from the Wales Audit Office all planning applications (big and small) would now be considered by the full Council at Council & Finance Meetings.
Councillor J M Evans returned to the Council Chamber at this stage.
The meeting concluded at 7.55 p.m.